Shadow Teacher Name of the first beneficiary in English * Beneficiary ID Number * Beneficiary's full name in Arabic * Last Beneficiary Name in English * Beneficiary age * Less than 5 years From 5 years to 12 years From 12 years to 18 years Over 18 years old Full name of guardian * Mobile * 9665XXXXXXXX Email School name * Class * Have you been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or a developmental disorder? * Yes No Desired rehabilitation service * Shadow Teacher Service Alternative mobile number * 9665XXXXXXXX Payment method * Cash Has the beneficiary been registered at the Autism Center of Excellence before? * Yes No How did you learn about the Center of Excellence for Autism and its services? * Via social media By friend Through a previous beneficiary of the center's services Through one of the center's employees By Google Search engine Other Please enter employee ID Please agree to the terms and conditions. To view the terms and conditions, please click * Here * Yes I Agree Send