Therapy sessions

HomeTherapy sessions

1- A package of treatment sessions in one specialty

It contains 24 individual therapy sessions, in which therapy sessions are provided in one of the following specialties: applied behavior analysis, speech and language therapy, or occupational therapy, at a rate of two sessions per week over 12 weeks (3 months).

Age group
From 18 months until 45 years

People with autism spectrum disorder and related developmental disorders

The people

How to apply

In the center


24 sessions – 3 months

(45 minutes per session)

2- Intensive rehabilitation program

It is a rehabilitation program that lasts for 15 weeks (fifteen weeks), and is provided to each beneficiary individually, and includes a number of specializations, namely applied behavior analysis, speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy.. through a number of sessions each week as follows:

Eight individual sessions in applied behavior analysis for a total of 120 individual therapy sessions
Two sessions for speech and language therapy for a total of 24 individual therapy sessions.
Two sessions for occupational therapy for a total of 24 individual therapy sessions. For a total of 168 individual therapy sessions,
At the end of the program, a report is submitted on the level of progress.

Age group
From 18 months until 45 years

People with autism spectrum disorder and related developmental disorders

The people

How to apply

In the center


168 sessions – 15 weeks

(45 minutes per session)

3- Intensive Behavioral Program

Intensive Behavioral Rehabilitation Program, ABA sessions are offered intensively per month. An average of eight ABA sessions, four days per week, for a total of 38 individual hours per month.

Age group
From 18 months until 45 years

People with autism spectrum disorder and related developmental disorders

The people

How to apply

In the center


4 days a week

(45 minutes per session)

4- Food selectivity treatment program

It is an intensive program to treat food pickiness through play and sensory strategies that suit the child’s needs. The program aims to treat feeding and help children develop natural and successful feeding behaviors while making entire meals enjoyable for the whole family.

Age group
From 18 months until 45 years

People with autism spectrum disorder and related developmental disorders

The people

How to apply

In the center


24 Sessions

(45 minutes per session)

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على جميع الخدمات التأهيلية .. ماعدا الخدمات التشخيصية

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